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Adrien K. Inquilino
I can look at appartments described in english and not in the local language
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10.04.2020 Praga
Yuliia S. Inquilino
Skvěle ceny
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11.02.2020 Praga
Kiki R. Inquilino
Easy booking, nice properties choice, possibility to pay the rent monthly while reserving the whole stay upfront
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10.04.2020 Praga
Dominika B. Inquilino
Vše v pořádku
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08.04.2020 Praga
Jonathan A. Inquilino
Konečné ceny a přístupnost
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16.03.2020 Praga
Sabina H. Inquilino
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08.04.2020 Praga
František M. Inquilino
:: Jednoduchost :: Přehlednost :: Férovost
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08.04.2020 Praga
Dora S. Senhorio
I like that it is easy to manage the adds and Flatio staff is very helpful.
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07.04.2020 Budapest
Peter K. Inquilino
Was cool
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04.05.2020 Budapest
Ludmila W. Inquilino
Pěkné byty, snadné vyhledávání, příznivé ceny, nájem placený za skutečnou dobu pobytu.
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07.04.2020 Praga
Roman S. Senhorio
Jednoznačně doporučuji.
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06.04.2020 Praga
Léa R. Inquilino
Reactivity, availability, support and trustful. A bit expensive but understood through the quality of the services. I felt safe by living in a Flatio’s place. Thanks!
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06.04.2020 Praga
Klára M. Inquilino
Rychlé zprostředkování bydlení na libovolnou dobu bez nutnosti kauce
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06.04.2020 Praga
Klára M. Inquilino
jedinečnost na trhu možnost bydlet pod 1 rok
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16.02.2020 Praga
András C. Inquilino
I've been very satisfied with the online system, the cooperation and the communication.
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05.04.2020 Praga
Rozália Varga S. Inquilino
The System is good and not complicated
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05.04.2020 Budapest
Patricia H. Inquilino
Megbízható, minden egyértleműen le van írva, a legtöbb lakás ellenőrizve van
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05.04.2020 Budapest
Pavlína K. Inquilino
Cena , rychlost , design , bez kauce vc.poplatku uvedena cena
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05.04.2020 Praga
Cameron W. Inquilino
Great communication, accurate listings, fair policy, amazing customer service.
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21.02.2020 Praga
Blanca A. Inquilino
The design is easy and friendly
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03.04.2020 Praga
Lenka D. Inquilino
Bez kauce
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03.04.2020 Praga
Katarína K. Inquilino
S Flatio mám pozitívnu skúsenosť, dámy na kontaktnom centre mi boli schopné fundovane poradiť aj s trochu zložitejšími otázkami, ktoré som mala.
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08.01.2020 Praga
Erzsébet V. Senhorio
we dont like, that we have to add the costs in the rent. it can cause a lot of problems (air-condition bills, etc.)
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01.04.2020 Budapest
Miroslav B. Senhorio
Perfektní služby, empatický přístup, vstřícnost, ochota poradit a pomoci - to je FLATIO...:-)
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01.04.2020 Praga